A crushing but meaningless blow.

04 September 2008


This is just too rich.

During her remarks, one of the younger of Ms. Palin’s children was captured on television cameras holding the four-and-a-half month baby, Trig, and stroking his head. (NY Times)

The passive voice strikes again. "Was captured on television cameras" implies a fortuitous twist of fate, rather than a carefully stage-managed spectacle. They were passing that baby around like the Stanley Cup starting with Guliani's speech. Unbelievably crass. Also, it's worth asking who brings their four-month-old to a big noisy political rally? And for the record, she was not just "stroking his head," she was flattening his hair with her spit-covered fingers. That little girl was way cute but it was a bizarre image. You could even see here dredging up the saliva in her mouth.

I feel really bad for that kid.

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