A crushing but meaningless blow.

24 February 2005


I've decided to revive this blog, albeit in a modified version. From now on I'll use this space for fictional pieces, just little toy airplanes of prose. I hope to keep it as un-pretentious as possible. I just think it'd be useful to maintain some sort of steady writing schedule.

There will definitely be no what-I-did-today, public diary-style entries about whether I'm sad or not. All previous posts in the archives are being slowly, steadily deleted, so it will be (at least on appearances) a fresh start.

The change of heart is, in some obscure way, related to the recent spate of literary figures taking leave of this planet, among them Hunter Thompson, Spalding Gray, and Arthur Miller. It's a shame that it often takes someone's death to find renewed interest in their life's work, but in any case it seems appropriate to do something rather than simply review past achievements.

I'd like to develop a voice, and maybe this forum will provide a record of that development. Hope you find something to enjoy.


Anonymous said...

"There will definitely be no what-I-did-today, public diary-style entries about whether I'm sad or not"

I'll miss the posts about how disappointed you are by certain sandwiches....

Khmer Rouge said...

actually, i did quite like those. as i was deleting posts i came across one worth remembering, so here it is, for you, my darling...

Today the sandwich I was eating kept falling apart and I wanted to die. Thanks for nothing.
